Room 4 see the Ranfurly Shield

Room 4 see the Ranfurly Shield
We saw the Ranfurly Shield at the Hub in Hawera.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Room 4 Vegetable Garden

We had great fun digging up the dry soil and adding cow manure and compost. We planted our vegetable seedlings and are now eagerly waiting for them to grow. Watch this space!

1 comment:

  1. Miss Honeyfield, I am impressed with the efforts you and your class are placing on the blogspot and thought I would comment as the Parent of one of your students. I work offshore in an isolated seagoing environment and the importance of your website is way beyond what you imagine. I am in control of the Production of Oil and Gas from an F.P.S.O (Floating Production Station Offloading) facility called the Umuroa yet your student may not realise this due to his age. We are based 40 n miles from shore and work away from home for 3weeks at a time. As a Volunteer Fireman and also D.J in my rostered off time I was pleased that you visited my home station recently and would have loved to have been there to show you around as well. Please keep up the good work and example you set for these students as the rewards are endless as I have found having been through Hawera Primary School.
